Saturday, 8 June 2013

Echoes of our Past NEWS........... 8th June 1889..............

Read all about it……. Echoes of our past NEWS

What was in the local news this weekend in 1889?


*Belper incident –

An incident occurred at the site of the building of the Belper Union Workhouse.  On the day in question the workers employed by Messrs Wheeldon Bros arrived for commencement of work at 6am.  The men climbed onto the scaffolding and were busy pointing and cleaning the walls. 

The problem stemmed from part of the scaffolding having already been removed and when the planks gave way several men were flung to the floor, said to have been around 80 feet below.  The planks fell onto some of the men.

The injured men were –

v  William Carnelly of Chapel Bollow, Belper; married with one child

v  Frederick Peacock of Kilburn: married with 6 children

v  Herbert Broth of Belper: single man

v  Thomas Oldham of Bulwell: married

v  Samuel Carlin of Bulwell: married

v  John Lancaster of Milford: married

v  Joseph Walker of Short Row, Belper; married

v  John Whiteman farmer of Milford; married

William Carnelly was to have sustained the most serious injuries and was in a critical condition. 

The men Frederick Peacock, Thomas Oldham, Samuel Carlin and John Lancaster were also seriously injured.  Joseph Walker and John Whiteman were lucky enough to be allowed to go home with only suffered from shock.  The other men were “put to bed in the Union Hospital”.  Because of the numbers involved in the terrible accident three medical men were summoned; Dr Allen, Dr T Johnston and Dr R A Johnston arrived to give aid to the men. 


*Fatal accident –

The latest news was that a 17 year old pony driver named James Booth of Brampton had been killed when he was squashed whilst moving the ponies from the stalls at Boythorpe Colliery. 

An inquest was set at the Castle Inn, Chesterfield.

*Assault –

On 11th May at the Midland Hotel, Langley Mill Thomas Musson was said to have assaulted Alfred Wilkinson.  Thomas a collier accused Alfred of owing him a shilling, Alfred denied this and Thomas lost his temper and attacked Alfred with a poker.

The landlady of the Midland Hotel was called to the altercation between two of her patrons.  At the Heanor Petty Sessions she told how she did not see any blows struck, but did confirm that Thomas wanted to fight with Alfred.  She had ordered Thomas to leave the hotel.  There were two other witnesses; James Allen and Alfred Dodson who agreed with the statement made by Fanny Dodson.

Thomas was fined £1 13s which included costs.

*Public House drunkenness –

The landlord of the Green Dragon Inn at Mosbro (sic) found himself appearing in the petty sessions after he allegedly allowed persons to be drunk on his premises.

Campbell Robinson had allowed Jabez Peat the butcher and William Cutts a collier to be drunk in his public house on 29th May. 

He was fined 5s and costs.  Jabez Peat was fined 20s as he had been convicted previously and William Cutts was fined 5s and costs.  An expensive evening out on the town.

*Re-Opening of local Church –

The Holy Trinity Church on Newbold Road was announcing that it would re-open on 11th July.  The Lord Bishop of Southwell would officiate at the ceremony.

Any persons requiring pews or sittings were advised to contact the Churchwardens; Mr S Rollinson and Mr R Eyre.


*Mr Richard Herbert Gambles grocer to Elizabeth Cook at Chesterfield Parish Church, by license on 3rd June

*Samuel Ward of Birchwood Lane to Jane Smith daughter of James Smith of Somercotes at the Baptist Chapel, Swanwick on 2nd June


*Lena May Davis aged 19 years at Chesterfield Hospital on 30th May

*Eliza Dennis aged 17 years at Grassmoor on 31st May

*Michael Garrity aged 64 years at Chesterfield on 28th May

*John Hall aged 22 years at Brimington Common on 30th May

*Annie Theodore Caroline Hawkins aged 3 years at Whittington on 30th May

*Emma Heath aged 16 years at Brimington Common on 1st June

*Arthur Roland aged 23 months at Grassmoor on 2nd June

*William slack aged 76 years at White Horse Yard, Chesterfield on 31st May


*Athletics –

The 22nd Annual Athletic Sports Event was being advertised this week.  To be hold on Whit Monday the 10th June (“weather permitting”).

The advertisement promised “distinguished patronage” and the doors were to open at 1pm with the sporting events commencing at 2pm. 

Admission was –

1st Class Grounds, 1s

2nd Class Grounds, 6d

Grandstand, 1s extra

The refreshments were to be served by Messrs Warner and Smalley and the Chesterfield and Hasland Brass Band would provide the musical entertainment.


*News from afar –

The locals of Chesterfield were reading of “another horrible murder” - luckily not a local incident.  The mutilated body of a young woman had been found in the Thames.  The body was wrapped in separate 2portions”; a limb was found at Battersea and the lower part of the body was found at Horsleydown. 

The body parts had all been wrapped in the same linen garment and it was thought that the body had been in the water for many hours.

These tales must have sent shivers down the spine of the inhabitants of the little town of Chesterfield, so far away from the big city of London.


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